Global Neurology

UCSF Neurology is dedicated to reducing the burden of neurological disease worldwide. We collaborate with a diverse network of partners to advance neurologic health through education, training, research, and clinical care.

San Francisco General Hospital


BALANCE (GloBAL Neurology, NeuroinfeCtious Diseases, and Health Equity) is dedicated to reducing the enormous burden of neurologic disease in our local and global communities. Visit our website to learn more about our activities, as well as research and training opportunities.



Our Team

Community Engagement

Balance Logo

Weill Neurosciences Building

Global Brain Health Institute

GBHI is dedicated to protecting the world’s aging populations from threats to brain health. Founded in 2015 by a generous gift from The Atlantic Philanthropies, its founding sites are at UCSF and Trinity College Dublin (Trinity). 

​​​​Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health

Pilot Projects

Advocacy Initiatives

Artistic Initiatives