UCSF Stroke Center
Comprehensive patient care for stroke, TIA, aneurysm and AVM. This center is a Comprehensive Stroke Center, the highest and most demanding certification awarded to hospitals that can treat the most complex stroke cases.
Gary Abrams, MD
Michael Diaz, MD
Donald Easton, MD
Cathra Halabi, MD
Karunesh Ganguly, MD, PhD
S. Andrew Josephson, MD
Anthony S. Kim, MD, MS
Nerissa U. Ko, MD
Kamesh Krishnamurthy, MD, PhD
Britta Lindquist, MD, PhD
Lauren Patrick, MD
Neel Singhal, MD, PhD
Wade Smith, MD, PhD
Anirudh Sreekrishnan, MD
Adelyn Tu-Chan, DO
UCSF Neurovascular Division
This division treats and researches conditions of the brain’s blood vessels. This includes acute ischemic stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage, vascular malformations (arteriovenous malformations, cavernous malformations, fistulas). We care for patients within minutes of their stroke 24/7 in our Comprehensive Stroke Center and in our outpatient stroke clinic. We have been instrumental in getting FDA clearance for the first devices used in treating acute ischemic stroke, stroke prevention following TIA, risk stratification for patients with TIA, mortality risk from intracerebral hemorrhage, and we publish multiple manuscripts annually. We are a StrokeNet site and currently run several NIH-sponsored clinical trials in parallel. Additionally, we are engaged in our own investigator-initiated research; to name a few: cranial accelerometry in the detection of large vessel stroke; Internet-based recruitment of patients for clinical trials; genetic vulnerability in outcomes following subarachnoid hemorrhage; and etiology and treatment of pulsatile tinnitus of venous origin.
We train both vascular neurologists and neurointensivists in accredited programs. Interested applicants, please follow the links below.
The Vascular Neurology Fellowship, directed by Dr. Lauren Patrick, trains leaders in the fields of stroke neurology and clinical research. The program is ACGME accredited. Click here for more information.
The Neurocritical Care Fellowship, directed by Dr. Nerissa Ko, trains leaders in Neurocritical Care in an academic medical center environment. The fellowship program is accredited by UCNS. Click here for more information.
The Bugher Foundation Hemorrhagic Stroke Scholars Program: A Centralized Research Training and Leadership Center - read a Q & A with Dr. Ko about this new center.
The Bugher Foundation Center of Excellence for Hemorrhagic Stroke Research- read a Q & A with Dr. Fullerton about this new center.