Recent Honors & Awards


Michael Wilson, MD, MAS has been elected to membership in the Association of American Physicians (AAP).

Heather Fullerton, MD, MAS has been named as the recipient of the 2025 Ralph L. Sacco Outstanding Stroke Research Mentor Award given by the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. 

Mark Terrelonge, MD, MPH has won the 2025 AAN A.B. Baker Teacher Recognition Award given by the American Academy of Neurology. 

Ahmed Abdelhak, MD won the American Neurological Association (ANA) Emerging Scholars Award for the abstract he presented during the ANA Annual Meeting.

Four of our faculty have received the Academy of Medical Educators’ Excellence In Teaching and Mentoring Awards, which highlight outstanding front-line teachers and mentors:

Aaron Berkowitz, MD, PhD
Jessamyn Conell-Price, MD, MS
Paul Sampognaro, MD
Madina Tugoziva, MD

Daniele Canzio, PhD was named the Milton E. Cassel Scholar, one of the Rita Allen Foundation Scholars. The award is given to early-career leaders in the biomedical sciences whose research holds exceptional promise for revealing new pathways to advance human health.

Karunesh Ganguly, MD, PhD has won the Outstanding Neurorehabilitation Clinician-Scientist Award, given by the American Society of Neurorehabilitation to honor his scholarly achievements and contributions to knowledge.

Courtney Lane-Donovan, MD, PhD received the Irene Perstein Award recognizing her research on the connection between aging brain cell biology and neurodegenerative diseases.


Aaron Colverson, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow, has been awarded the Renée Fleming NeuroArts Investigator Award, given to researchers in the emerging field of neuroarts.

Sherry Chen, MD, PhD, a postdoctoral researcher in Neurology, won the Henry Newman Award, given by the San Francisco Neurological Society for her paper, “Pathology-specific patterns of cerebellar atrophy in neurodegenerative disorders.”

John Pluvinage MD, PhD, Neurology resident, won the Alliance Award: S. Weir Mitchell, given by the AAN in recognition of his outstanding achievements in basic science research.

Martineau Louiné, MD, Clinical and Postdoctoral Fellow, has won the AAN's Clinical Research Training Scholarship to support his research on TB meningitis.

Eleanor Palser, PhD, a postdoctoral scholar at the Memory and Aging Center, won the Chancellor Award for the Advancement of Women, following her paper in Nature that highlighted the underrepresentation of women in the editorial boards of neuroscience and psychology journals.


The following staff in Neurology have won STAR Achievement Awards, which recognize sustained, exceptional performance and/or significant contributions from an employee(s) over an extended period. 

Rudy Asuncion
Alissa Boado
Richard Campusano
Kathleen Colao
Sarah Corr
Adrianna Creese
Ashley Knudson
Christina Liu
Ann Martin
Nancy Puckett
Iris Solorzano
Charlie Toohey
Janet Yau
Locus Yuen